Thursday, September 2, 2010

Course Assessment

Method of Assessment
"The course is assessed by three written assignments (one as theatrical review, one academic paper [questions to be set in advance], one internet/blog assignment) and ongoing/active participation. Students will have to submit their assessed academic papers in class on the dates indicated in this syllabus. Reviews will be posted online; blog/internet assignments will be peer-reviewed (e.g. students will be expected to make comments/suggestions and to further the online discussion) thus introducing students to active peer-reviewing. The topics will be set in advance and will focus on the plays, theatrical events, visits and text/s studied at that time. Written assignments will be returned with comments and an indication of grade; reviews will likewise be marked and graded accordingly. Active participation will be graded by the Instructor according to each individual student’s willingness to engage with the tasks set, practical initiatives demonstrated, and an overall engagement as part of a collective team. This is an opportunity to explore your own potential and to develop new academic and life skills.
The theatrical review assignment comprises 25% of the final grade, the academic paper assignment - 25%; peer-reviewed blog/internet assignment - 25%; class participation and attendance - 25%.
First paper (theatrical review) - 1000 words, due 4 October; Academic assignment (question agreed in advance) - 2500 words, due 29 November."

SO, please remember, all students are required to post at least 2 blog entries about 'performance events' they have experienced in London, relating how these events are affected by your study of Theatre in London and expressing the way these events have entertained or enlightened or annoyed or inspired you. We will, every fortnight, be discussing the blog entries in open class. This is, don't forget, 25% of your overall marks so – get writing and let's impress the world!!

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