Monday, October 11, 2010

Final Assignment Questions

Theatre in London


Academic Assignment Questions

You must show that you can:
·         construct and sustain an argument logically
·         demonstrate that you are able to engage at a fairly high level with the ideas and terminology discussed in weekly sessions
·         you must also show that you can write with clarity and a strong grasp of the rules of grammar
·         papers should be 2500 words in length

DUE: Monday 29 November (Please note, no class Monday 6 December, but final class Friday 3 December -- to be confirmed)

Please write an answer to ONE of the following questions.


            Write a paper that discusses the importance of social and/or political conflict in the production of a theatrical performance. Are you convinced that ‘conflict’ is necessary and if so why? If not, why do people still pay to see ‘difficult’ or contentious subjects represented onstage?


            Discuss the ways in which theatre in London has developed since the Second World War. What processes were involved in this development, and does the theatre in London of 2010 reflect these changes, or are we seeing a return to values associated with ‘entertainment’ and a return to ‘feel-good’ theatrical experience?


            Select a scene to stage from one of the plays studied in class. Imagining yourself the director, how would you make use of space: would it be staged in an indoor or outdoor theatre? Would period costumes, cross-gendered or cross-cultural casting etc. figure into your scene, or would you elect to situate it in an alternative age/culture and if so, why? How does the staging and setting influence the action? Give reasons why you have made these choices.

*you must use secondary criticism (may be taken from the Course Reader or library sources)
*avoid online referencing and/or material as much as possible
*papers can be emailed (for a return email response and grade) to

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