Wednesday, October 27, 2010

No! This is not about last night's performance of Hamlet...
This is about a much smaller venue on the West End which was indeed "schockingly good fun!" I went to this show on a recommendation and, despite my skepticism, it turned out to be great. Wouldn't you be skeptical of something called "Ghost Stories" too? Can it really be that scary, or shocking? Well, YES.

I suppose normally someone reviewing a show like this would go into a small plot summary and rave about the effects or the actors or some other fantastic attribute the show possesses, well I'm not. I think it would ruin the show for anyone that would go see it after reading a review like that. First off, this is a horror show with built in suspense and effects, that if revealed beforehand, would kill the theatricality of the show and dampen any "shocking" response you would have to the show. Secondly, plot summaries are boring!

What I can say is that the show is a series of ghost stories told from the perspective of a para-psychologist who is interviewing "sensitives" who have experienced paranormal activity. Well, that's at least how the story starts...

What I think makes the show great is that it engages the audience not only visually and audibly, but also through the sense of smell! When watching a horror or suspenseful movie I'm not normally the one to jump in my seat, but I have to admit I did just that a few times during this show. The use of lights, action and your sense of smell and that "sixth sense" feel of the environment around you, Ghost Stories manages to draw you in and shock you!

- James R.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful review response to the production that does exactly what theatre publicists desire most -- to make people go and see that which excited you! Very well written and a really good read. Glad this particular show was such a success. Dr Q

