On November 13, my friend and I went to go see the Tottenham Spurs play against Blackburn. Initially, it was a quest to get there, since many of the lines for the Underground were closed and we needed to take a train, but it was worth it in the end. We followed all of the diehard fans towards Whitehart Lane stadium in the East End, and we were initially late for the game. We were seated in a lower section, behind the Tottenham goal in the first half of the game. There only was a small section of Blackburn fans in the tiers above us, trying to chant, yet their chants were overpowered by all of the Tottenham fans. The tottenham fans were very patriotic, and many fathers were teaching their sons chants and the epic game of football. One little boy, who was upset by the referee kept chanting, "The referee is a Wanker!!!" as he gripped his cap, since it was the beginning of the cold season in London.
The performance of the Tottenham Players was very uniform and more sophisticated than the Blackburn players, who only scored 2 goals in the last half of the game, desperate for points. My favorite player of that game was Gareth, who scored a good chunk of the goals, and the goalie blocked a lot of difficult plays. The crowd was very supportive of the players, singing chants even when they would almost score, which inspired the players to give 100% effort into the game. The tottenham players seemed to me like the underdogs, who were not as good in the beginning, yet continued to practice and strive to play better, until they make it to the top, even though they do have competition with Chelsea and Arsenal, two of the top ranked teams in Britain. Yet, Arsenal is proven to be defeatable, since Tottenham beat them by 3-2 last week, proving that mediocre teams can rise to the top with effort! Chelsea better watch out!
Although Tottenham was very good, they did have some weak players, such as number 2, Alan Hutton, who would only kick the ball around to other players throughout the entire game. He did not give much effort into the performance, but would get scared of the ball and kick it away towards other players, as if it was a burden to him.
The Blackburn team was Horrible! They caused a lot of fouls, and I believe the referee was biased towards Blackburn. The section of Blackburn fans were rude, yelling at the Tottenham crowd, who instinctively responded. It was a very fun game, with a lot of enthusiasm exerted from the players and the crowd. In the United States, the soccer games are not as enthusiastic. Tottenham ended up conquering Blackburn in the end with a close score of 4-2. My friend and I in the end became diehard Tottenham fans.
Once the stadium was emptied, my friend and I were humming the chants, since we had no clue what the words were, and I Bought a beanie! The pubs around the stadium were all Tottenham fans, since the signs stated "Tottenham fans ONLY" , since everyone was invited to watch the game.
I really enjoyed the game, surprisingly since I am was not a football fan in the beginning. I grew to appreciate the art of the game, and now I am going to watch more games, since Tottenham made me passionate about soccer. Cheers Tottenham!
Lauren Lopez
'Tottenham Fans ONLY' must have seemed quite an intimidating sign. You describe the whole experience with journalistic flair. I particularly enjoyed your observations about the tribal chanting and the young fan whose choice of chant was possibly too 'in-yer-face' for his age! Very well written and very good observational and expressive skills deployed. Dr Q