Sunday, November 13, 2011



The dream of stepping into a room filled with people wearing only white clothing started four months ago. I actually thought about going to this event before I applied for my study abroad program. I heard about it, i researched it and I bought my ticket. Simple as that. Only problem was that I didn't want to go alone. 
I didn't.
On October 6th I made my way to Barcelona, Spain with Lexi, Kim, Shannon,
 Miguel and Kenny (who for some weird reason could not make the picture
or the event).

Barcelona itself is a beautiful place to visit but when you have an event as big as Sensation waiting to happen in the same weekend that you are there; it just makes it the perfect weekend.  I was also able to buy 1 Euro jeans, that for some weird reason Kenny was not able to buy. 

Entering the arena felt amazing.  White spots on the bottom floor. White spots in the stands. White balls bouncing around me.White every where. 
People from all around the world with the same mission where gathered there.  Most dressed in white, some dressed in almost nothing. I made my way through the crowd of people with my group of people. Our group was quickly separated though. 
After jumping up steps and getting a free drink (50ml of sprite), I made my way outside where there was smoke every where, and food was being prepared. The outside was a haven for anybody seeking a place to refuel and regain composure. It was a small area, but within it there was about two hundred bodies that were either eating food, eating themselves, smoking weed, smoking cigars or unwillingly sleeping. Some people were unwillingly waken up too.

After getting a burger, making small talk with a couple of Spaniards, Germans and Italians I made my way back in. 
The same atmosphere reigned true at four in the morning as the moment we had stepped in. People did not stop. Neon lights were glaring from one side to another. The balls kept bouncing from side to side. The DJ's kept doing what they were meant to do; make us go crazy and dance the night away. Techno music headlined the night.  I didn't mind, I really enjoyed the music. 

There were many signs that were pointing to the end of the event though. Someone threw up from the second floor onto the people below them. Girls were exchanging words, and some guys were getting into a fight with the security guards that didn't know how to take charge of the situation. And then, without a warning, it really was over.  This experience came to a close and while I was sad to leave, I was happy that I could say that I had attended such a massive event. I did not only attend a major event but went to the event I had had dreams about for such a long time. 

Overall, Sensation was an amazing event. The lights, the people, the whiteness that is Sensation was beyond anything that I had expected.  

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